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The daily web-journal of ETH Zurich:
"Nach dem grossen Schleier lüften"
Echo der Zeit
from Monday Jan 18, 2010
in German, Link >>
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Marcin Pawlowski, Gdansk
Information Causality [M. Pawłowski et. al. Nature 461, 1101 (2009)] is a recently discovered physical principle, which can be considered a generalized version of no-signalling. It is satisfied by quantum mechanics and violated by most of the theories that allow for probability distributions not possible to be obtained by the measurements of quantum systems. This fact allows to derive from Information Causality tight bounds on some properties of quantum mechanics (eg. Tsirelson bound) or the efficiency of quantum information protocols (eg. random access codes). In this review we present the results of several papers that are concerned with this principle. We start by presenting Information Causality and discuss its derivation. Then we show its already known applications and comment on the possible future ones. Finally, we study the, so-called, no-signalling polytope to see which part of it is in agreement with Information Causality.
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