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The daily web-journal of ETH Zurich:
"Nach dem grossen Schleier lüften"
Echo der Zeit
from Monday Jan 18, 2010
in German, Link >>
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Kristan Temme, Wien
joint work with Tobias Osborne, Karl Gerd Vollbrecht, David Poulin, and Frank Verstraete
Quantum computers have emerged as the natural architecture to study the physics of strongly correlated many-body quantum systems, thus providing a major new impetus to the field of many-body quantum physics. While the method of choice for simulating classical many-body systems has long since been the ubiquitous Monte Carlo method, the formulation of a generalization of this method to the quantum regime has been impeded by the fundamental peculiarities of quantum mechanics, including, interference effects and the no-cloning theorem. In this report, we overcome those difficulties by constructing an efficient quantum algorithm to sample from the Gibbs distribution of an arbitrary quantum Hamiltonian at arbitrary temperatures, both for bosonic and fermionic systems. This validates the quantum computer as a full quantum simulator, with a wealth of possible applications to quantum chemistry, condensed matter physics and high energy physics.
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