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The daily web-journal of ETH Zurich:
"Nach dem grossen Schleier lüften"
Echo der Zeit
from Monday Jan 18, 2010
in German, Link >>
(Real Player recommended)
There will be two poster sessions, the first one on Monday January 18 and the second on Thursday January 21. Below you find the list of accepted posters and the respective session. The sessions take place in the main building, floor E, floor E.0, and floor F (plan).
Participants presenting posters in the first poster session can attach their poster to the assigned wall space (corresponding to the number as listed in the programme) on Monday as soon as they arrive and must remove their poster by Tuesday evening.
Posters being presented in the second session can be attached to their assigned wall space from Wednesday morning and should be removed by participants before they leave.
Session 1: Monday January 18 |
1 |
Daniel Burgarth, Maruyama Koji, Michael Murphy, Simone Montangero, Tommaso Calarco, Franco Nori, and Martin Plenio
Scalable quantum computation via local control of only two qubits |
2 |
Gustavo Armendáriz and Jorge Cravioto Experimental quantum logical gate |
3 |
Francesco Buscemi and Nilanjana Datta
Coding Theorems for Arbitrary Quantum Resources |
4 |
Fernando Pastawski, Alastair Kay, Norbert Schuch, and Ignacio Cirac
Limitations of Passive Quantum Memories |
5 |
Roman Orus Lacort
Entanglement in many-body systems and infinite PEPS: recent developments and perspectives |
6 |
Howard Brandt
Jacobi Fields in the Riemannian Geometry of Quantum Computation |
7 |
Mario Berta, Matthias Christandl, and Renato Renner
A New Proof of the Quantum Reverse Shannon Theorem |
8 |
Diego de Falco and Dario Tamascelli Dissipative Quantum Annealing |
9 |
Vlad Gheorghiu, Scott Cohen, and Robert Griffiths
Most entangled states cannot be locally cloned |
10 |
Antonio Soares Coelho, Felippe A S Barbosa, Katiuscia Nadyne Cassemiro, Alessandro Sousa Villar, Marcelo Martinelli, and Paulo Nussenzveig
Three-color entanglement and observation of disentaglement for finite losses in continuous variables |
11 |
Austin Fowler, David Wang, Thaddeus Ladd, Rodney Van Meter, and Lloyd Hollenberg
Surface code quantum communication |
12 |
Bill Rosgen Testing non-isometry is QMA-complete |
13 |
Ognyan Oreshkov
Holonomic quantum computation in subsystems |
14 |
Miguel Aguado and Oliver Buerschaper
From lattice gauge theories to string-nets: Relations among topological codes |
15 |
Janet Anders, Erika Andersson, Dan Browne, Elham Kashefi, and Daniel Oi
Ancilla-Driven Universal Quantum Computation |
16 |
Neil Lovett, Sally Cooper, Matthew Everitt, Matthew Trevers, and Viv Kendon
Universal quantum computation using the discrete time quantum walk |
17 |
Héctor Bombín
Topological Subsystem Codes |
18 |
Marcus Huber, Beatrix Hiesmayr, and Philipp Krammer
Computable entanglement measures in multipartite systems of high dimension |
19 |
Rajamani Amuda and Brinda Arumugam Solitons in magnetic quantum dots: candidates for efiicient data transfer |
20 |
Jagdish luthra and Federico Arboleda Bell like generalized basis for N qubits and its application to entanglement |
21 |
Dong Pyo Chi, Kabgyun Jeong, Taewan Kim, Kyungjin Lee, and Soojoon Lee
N-qubit bound entangled states violating M-setting Bell inequalities |
22 |
Dong Pyo Chi, Kabgyun Jeong, Taewan Kim, Kyungjin Lee, and Soojoon Lee
Minimal concurrence of assistance and Mermin inequality on three-qubit pure states |
23 |
Borivoje Dakic, Milovan Suvakov, Tomasz Paterek, and Caslav Brukner
Efficient hidden-variable simulation of measurements in quantum experiments |
24 |
Marcio F. Cornelio and Marcos C. de Oliveira
Strong superadditivity and monogamy of the Renyi measure of entanglement |
25 |
Felipe Fanchini, Thiago Werlang, Carlos Brasil, Luiz Gustavo Arruda, and Amir Caldeira
Non-Markovian Dynamics of Quantum Discord |
26 |
Anahit Gogyan, Stéphane Guérin, Hans-Rudolf Jauslin, and Yuri Malakyan
Deterministic Generation of Indistinguishable Single-Photon Pulses in the Single-Atom-Cavity QED System |
27 |
Ivonne Guevara and Carlos Viviescas
Entanglement dynamics in open systems: a quantum trajectory approach |
28 |
Carlos Viviescas and Oscar Barbosa
Entanglement generation in multipartite systems with chaotic dynamics |
29 |
Lin Chen, Aimin Xu, and Huangjun Zhu
Geometric measure of entanglement for pure multipartite states |
30 |
Angel Rivas, Susana F. Huelga, and Martin B. Plenio
Entanglement-based measures of non-Markovianity |
31 |
Charles-Edouard Bardyn, Timothy Chi Hin Liew, Serge Massar, Matthew McKague, and Valerio Scarani
Device independent state estimation based on Bell's inequalities |
32 |
Oliver Buerschaper, Juan Martín Mombelli, Matthias Christandl, and Miguel Aguado
Topological tensor networks, Hopf algebras, and duality |
33 |
Ning Ning Chung
Application of two-step approach to quantum information processing |
34 |
Sang Min Lee and Hai-Woong Lee
Direct, Local Measurement of I concurrence for Pure Bipartite Systems |
35 |
Martin Plesch and Marcela Hrda
Efficient compression of unknown quantum information |
36 |
Thomas Zell, Friedemann Queisser, and Rochus Klesse
Distance dependence of entanglement generation via a bosonic heat bath |
37 |
Stefan Borghoff, Jakob Mueller-Hill, and Rochus Klesse
Average and maximum regularized pure-state fidelity of a quantum channel |
38 |
Jiyong Park, Su-Yong Lee, Ho-Joon Kim, and Hai-Woong Lee
Verification of the Photon Commutation Relation through Cavity QED |
39 |
Go Kato
Optimal cloning of qubits from replicas of a qubit and its orthogonal states |
40 |
Martin Schwarz
Simulating Hadamard-Toffoli-Hadamard Circuits with a Promise |
41 |
Francesco Buscemi
Private quantum decoupling and secure disposal of information |
42 |
Katherine Brown, Clare Horsman, Viv Kendon, and Bill Munro
Cluster State generation using the Qubus |
43 |
Martí Cuquet and John Calsamiglia
Entanglement percolation in quantum complex networks |
44 |
Bob Coecke and Aleks Kissinger
Interacting Frobenius Algebras and the Structure of Multipartite Entanglement |
45 |
Kisik Kim, Jaewan Kim, and Joonwoo Bae
Quantumness and Quantum Correlations |
46 |
Edward Farhi, Jeffrey Goldstone, David Gosset, Sam Gutmann, Harvey Meyer, and Peter Shor
Quantum Adiabatic Algorithms, Small Gaps, and Different Paths |
47 |
Guillaume Duclos-Cianci and David Poulin
Fast Decoders for Topological Quantum Codes |
48 |
Christian Gogolin
Einselection without pointer states |
49 |
Hannu Wichterich, Javier Molina-Vilaplana, Sougato Bose, and Pasquale Sodano Block-block entanglement at quantum critical points of spin chains |
50 |
Ilze Dzelme-Berzina
Latvian Quantum Finite State Automata and Logic |
51 |
A.C. Cem Say and Abuzer Yakaryilmaz
Quantum Function Computation Using Sublogarithmic Space |
52 |
Yingkai Ouyang
Quantum Generalized Reed-Solomon codes concatenated with random rate one inner stabilizer codes asymptotically attain the Quantum Gilbert-Varshamov bound |
53 |
Ville Lahtinen and Jiannis Pachos
Non-Abelian statistics as a Berry phase in exactly solvable models |
54 |
Hui Khoon Ng, Daniel Lidar, and John Preskill
Combining dynamical decoupling with fault-tolerant quantum computation |
55 |
Olivier Landon-Cardinal and Richard MacKenzie
Decoherence suppression via environment preparation |
56 |
Yasuhito Kawano and Hiroshi Sekigawa
Application of Matrix Decomposition to Finding Complex Hadamard Matrices |
57 |
Kelvin Titimbo, Jorge Stephany, and Douglas Mundarain
Entanglement Distillation with local common reservoirs in squeezed vacuum states |
58 |
Matthew Broome, Marcelo de Almeida, Alessandro Fedrizzi, and Andrew White
Improving linear optics quantum gate performance: An inexpensive approach |
59 |
Milosh Drezgich and Shankar Sastry
Quantum Experts Algorithm and Non-Zero Sum Games |
60 |
Łukasz Pankowski and Michał Horodecki
Low-dimensional quite noisy bound entanglement with cryptographic key |
61 |
Marcin Wiesniak and Marcin Markiewicz
Finding Traps in a Non-linear Spin Arrays |
62 |
Damian Markham, Elham Kashefi, Mehdi Mhalla, and Simon Perdrix
Information Flow in Secret Sharing Protocols |
63 |
Thomas Schulte-Herbrueggen and Uwe Sander
Symmetry in Quantum System Theory of Multi-Qubit Systems: Rules for Quantum Architecture Design |
64 |
Jinho Jang, Sangyong Ahn, and Younghun Kwon
About optimality distillation protocol of Bennett et al. |
65 |
Tokishiro Karasawa, Masanao Ozawa, and Kae Nemoto
Precision limits on a class of multi-qubit gates under conservation laws |
66 |
Jinho Jang, Sangyong Ahn, and Younghun Kwon
Structure of Quantum Channels for teleportation of arbitrary two-qubit state |
67 |
James Wootton, Ville Lahtinen, Jiannis Pachos, and Benoit Doucot
Experimentally accessible topological memories from simple stabilizer codes |
68 |
Jiannis Pachos, Gavin Brennen, Demosthenes Ellinas, Viv Kendon, Ioannis Tsohantjis, and Zhenghan Wang The Drunken Slalom: Quantum walk of an anyon |
69 |
Earl Campbell and Dan Browne
Bound States for Magic State Distillation in Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation |
70 |
Bela Bauer, Guifre Vidal, and Matthias Troyer
Applications of projected entangled-pair states to two-dimensional spin systems |
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